Setting the Challenges

As midnight approaches we all think back over our year and make resolutions to make the next one even better. We pin all our hopes onto those moments, the idea that a new year is a fresh start. A new beginning and a chance to fix all those problems we have.

I have never really been one for resolutions, mainly because I always fail to keep them. I find that I make arbitrary resolutions like 'lose weight' or 'get fit' or 'get my life in order'. After a few weeks I realise that it doesn't really help if I've made those resolutions, they fall by the wayside as I get caught up in everyday life.

So I'm going to do something different in 2012. Instead of resolutions, which may be well intentioned but are basically as boring as bat shit (not to mention, predictable), I will set myself some challenges. 52 to be specific. I am optimistic, I WILL complete these by the end of the year.

However, if I fail for whatever reason, I will donate £2 for every challenge not completed to a charity. 

And so, hold your breath, I'm going forward into the unknown. Well, not really. I did set the challenges myself. 

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