Wednesday 25 January 2012

Challenge #14: Make Something

Some people paint, some draw, some write poems, some sew. Some people buy a kit from a shop in Keswick, Cumbria so that they can pretend they are actually genuinely creative.

So it was with the help of this kit that I undertook the challenge to 'Make Something'. The something being a knitted purse.

Knitting always reminds me of being a young-un and being taught by my mum. When she first showed me how to knit I marvelled at the way her fingers created stitches out of thin air, deftly working the wool around the needles. I couldn't believe that whole stitches could be created from one piece of wool, it was like a secret mum magic.

I always needed her to cast on for me, and cast off. This was still the case but as she's on the other side of the world, I utilised that amazing resource called 'YouTube' to remind myself how to 'cast on' and 'cast off'.

As I knitted I couldn't help but wonder why there wasn't a cat tugging on the other end of my wool. Growing up with cats, I was used to always having a knitting tug-of-war with one of them. I'd start to knit and it was like I was knitting with catnip. I would suddenly a have tension on my wool that wasn't actually required. I guess to them it was a game, the ball of wool rolling around on the floor, asking to be chased. They'd always find me, no matter where I hid.

Now I just need to find myself an appropriately gangster knitting name. Purl Knits? Gangster K? Knitty G?

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