Saturday 7 April 2012

Challenge #38: Picnic at Hampstead Heath

Sunshine in London is more precious than water during a drought. So when the sun does make an appearance Londoners all flock to the amazing parks and commons in the city.

Hampstead Heath is one of those havens. On a sunny day it is packed with people who are picnicking or throwing gigantic frisbees (well, someone did on the day I was there).

As soon as it was obvious that the sun was staying out, I left the house in - shock horror - a t-shirt! This is a sign of truly warm weather in London. (A total freak, it went back to its usual chilly temperatures by 5pm). After grabbing a roll from a supermarket, I met a couple of friends in the park for a picnic. Admittedly, I usually go to more effort than buying a pre-made roll, however on this day I just wanted to be in the sun. A sign that I'm becoming a real Londoner.

I didn't see a lot of the heath in the end, just enjoyed the warmth and the lake, as well as some good conversation with my friends. Which is the whole point of the heath I think. I will definitely go back there and have a better explore but for now I think I can deem this challenge completed!

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