Tuesday 13 March 2012

Challenge #34: No caffeine for a week

Addiction: Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance.

Sadly, I think this challenge has been the most difficult so far.

It's interesting because so many look down on people with addictions, yet everyday millions of people 'need' to have their morning coffee. That is addiction, my friends. And giving up is painful.

Literally painful. The first day of my caffeine free week I thought I was dying. Splitting headache, irritable, tired. I was Miss Crabby Pants with a headache on top. And no amount of painkillers numbed the pain. (And yes, I do acknowledge the fact that I used one drug to get over another drug...)

The second day was the same. And the third. By the fourth day my sanity had started crawling back into my brain. By the fifth I was almost back to normal.

Actually, I should probably admit that this challenge has lasted two extra days because on my second day I bought and consumed a drink without thinking. Iced Tea. Despite the fact that I doubt 'Black Tea Extract' has very much caffeine in it, I decided that I needed to do the two extra days to really deem this challenge complete.

So I guess the question everyone is asking is: when are we going for coffee? Well, not any time soon. Addiction, of any sort, is not anyone's friend. So I'm keeping the coffee for special occasions for the moment.

Tea? Now that's another story. That's not really an addiction... It's a national past time!

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