Saturday 4 August 2012

Challenge #2: Host a dinner party with at least 3 courses

For hundreds of years, women have been searching for the answer to the following question: What makes the perfect wife?

Is it keeping a tidy home? Is it being a brilliant lover? Is it being a loving mother? Is it cooking delectable food everyday? Is it looking flawless and youthful at all times?

Ermm... I don't think so!
As a feminist, being 'the perfect wife' has never entered my consciousness. It is something that I have never desired, or aspired to. In fact, the idea of keeping a perfect house and home is something that is beyond my realm of understanding.

All that being said, I think I came pretty close to being the perfect wife for my Friday the 13th Dinner Party.

I pondered my menu for some time, tweaking until I came up with a perfectly gruesome meal:

Rancid Red Onion & Ghastly Goat's Cheese Tart

Wretched Risotto Cakes & Shrieking Salad

Chilling Cheesecake

No need to clean if you're having a Friday the 13th party!
I spent the day organising my table, spreading cobwebs around (some real ones due to a lack of dusting in the corners of the house...) and designing name cards.

Ghostly Name Tags
Oh, and cooking. Although my menu was relatively simple, it just took me hours to organise all the bits and pieces. Risotto cakes are delicious but involve actually making risotto, then waiting for it to cool, then rolling it into balls, stuffing mozzarella into the centre and then crumbing. Oh, and THEN you can cook them in a vat of oil. Did I mention that my menu was not worried about our waistlines?

Nose job, anyone?
Soon my lovely guests arrived in varying forms of fancy dress. I was a witch, having bought my accessories from my favourite costume shop for only a few quid. Unfortunately, my broom was left forgotten in a corner as I was busy cooking up a storm.

Being a hostess is exhausting. It really is a juggling act. Cooking, topping up wine, talking... To the untrained eye this does not seem difficult, but I assure you it is. And of course I also managed to burn my kettle cord (an unforeseen expense) and set something on fire... Just shows my dedication and skill level, don't you think?

The first stages of my Chilling Cheesecake
Fire hazards aside, the evening was declared a success by everyone (nothing to do with the ever-flowing wine, I'm sure) and they all left full and a little bit tipsy.

Put the diets on hold!
After completing this challenge I now have a better clue as to what would make a 'perfect wife'. Not a tidy home, not a deliciously cooked meal, not impeccable dress sense and hair. These things are all so superficial, so outdated and just maintain traditional gender roles.

No, the perfect wife has a different set of skills in my mind. Excellent conversation, the ability to have fun and, most of all, the desire to do something nice for those you love, that is what makes a 'perfect wife'.

And a brand new kettle.

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