Sunday 14 October 2012

Challenge #25: Do the Great Gorilla Run

Skiing anyone?
Planet of the Apes became a reality one sunny Saturday in London. Hundreds of gorillas dashed around the city, bumping into people, ruining tourist photos and playing in water fountains.
I was one of those crazy gorillas. Instead of sleeping in on that fateful Saturday and enjoying some morning TV with a cuppa, I woke up at a reasonable hour and donned a gorilla suit. All in the name of that incredible charity: The Gorilla Organization.
Gorilla texting
Here is where I plug the true awesomeness of this charity: They help introduce ideas such as sustainable farming into African communities so that the gorillas don't have their habitats destroyed. This is a great charity because even if you don't care about gorillas, you are still helping lift people in Africa out of poverty.
So, with the gorillas in mind, I walked a massive 9 and a bit kilometres. In a gorilla suit. This may not seem like a massive feat but have you ever worn a gorilla suit or, indeed, any costume that involves fur and a face covering of some description? I'll just leave you with one thought: sweaty.
My gorilla team

Aside from the joy of being contained in my own sweat, the walk showed me London in a whole new light. Everywhere we walked people were cheering us on and saying 'Good on you'. The positive, helpful, encouraging side of Londoners (who are usually busy, grumpy and pushy) was out in force on the banks of the Thames. And, as corny as it was, it helped me push through the discomfort.

Gorilla selfie at the start line
This was an amazing experience. The feeling of being in a crowd, all united to help one cause was exhilarating. Looking around at the other gorillas was surreal. There were punks, rock stars, cricketers, old fashioned pilots. Gorillas were wearing tutus and bikinis. There was a group of gorillas who spent the entire run finding new things to do. They played in a fountain, amazed by the water, they sat at a table in front of the Tate, they danced to a buskers beautiful music. And they made gorilla noises. It all just added to the general hilarity of the situation and the reality: we were causing havoc on the streets of London in gorilla suits. It seems like a bizarre dream now, looking back.
|It's not everyday you're in front of Tower Bridge in a gorilla suit.
Whilst the fundraising continues (we’re over £1000 and still going), my gorilla suit is left to gather dust in my closet. A permanent reminder of the day that I decided to take a stand for gorillas everywhere and had a jolly good time doing it.
To gorilla or not to gorilla, that is the question.
If you want to sponsor me then head to this page and know that your pennies are going towards creating hope, opportunity and protecting one of the animals that make earth such a cool place to live.


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