Friday 14 September 2012

Challenge #26: Go Speed Dating

Ever been on the date from hell? Well, with speed dating, you can potentially go on lots of them! But don't worry, they only last for 3 and 1/2 minutes.

Although, considering it only takes one tenth of a second to make an impression I guess that's long enough!

The dating world is changing, apparently, and some clever sod has found a way for busy people to cram lots of dates into one evening. In case you didn't know, speed dating involves a rotation system. You have 3 and a half minutes to 'wow' each person and convince them to tick 'yes' by your name. At the end of those precious minutes, the host tries to pry overly keen men from their seats and onto the next lady. In true modern fashion, the women get to stay seated, look pretty and wait for men to show up.

In other words, speed dating is a bit like going to an ice-cream shop, asking to try all the flavours and then walking away without buying anything... Well, sort of.

I approached my speed dating night with a mixture of fascination, nerves and apathy. I was intrigued - what kinds of people go to speed dating nights? Would it be all 40 year old weirdos who are clearly single for a reason? I prepared myself for some absolute shockers, but I reasoned that they would make for a more interesting blog.

Dragging one of my friends along (bless her), I sat and sipped my cider, waiting for my first 'date'. I was pleasantly surprised by a very handsome Swedish man, who seemed confused that I didn't play 'racket' sports of any kind. Oops, guess he wasn't ticking my 'yes box'.

Soon the men became a bit of a blur and I was thankful for my 'date sheet' where I could write down comments about the guys. Mostly I wrote down jobs (because, despite what an advice page suggested, I stuck mostly with the boring 'what do you do' type questions) but I did have a few interesting comments by the next morning:
- Bullshit Artist (this guy told me he worked for Sky and then elaborated by telling me he read the news. After stringing me on for another 30 seconds he told me it was crap. Seriously? You've lied to me in the first 2 minutes? You're getting a big NO buddy!)
- S&M (in response to 'what do you like to do in your free time?'. I laughed this off and then talked about '50 Shades of Grey'. I think he was disappointed when I said I thought it was a load of crap.)
- Queue Jumper (with a few drinks under his belt, this guy pushed in front and got everyone out of order)
- Number 5 - Nothing. (This guy was my last date and had had too much to drink by that point and so he was in the toilet. Probably not a bad thing, really...)

Of course, it wasn't all bad. I had some really interesting conversations and some laughs. I met a neuroscientist from Portugal, a structural engineer from Malaysia and... some other guys.

So, I'm sure you're wondering who got my tick of approval. After very little deliberation, there were two guys who tick-led (haha pun) my fancy, so I guess I have to wait and see if the feeling is mutual.

In the meantime, I think I'll try out this idea where I can try all the ice-cream flavours for free... What's that quote about buying a cow?

****In case you're interested, the Speed Dating event that I went to was through Original Dating.


  1. That sounds like quite the memorable experience! Who says that their hobby is S&M in the first minutes of meeting someone? Creepy!

    1. Yes, he was a strange one. I think it was a bizarre attempt at a joke...
