Wednesday 19 September 2012

Challenge #29: Organise a Themed Pub Crawl

I felt a great sense of relief when I looked up 'Pub Crawl' on Urban Dictionary and found this definition:

An activity where at least 5 people are involved in drinking at a series of pubs, usually at least 4.

So, it's official. If Urban Dictionary agrees, then what I organised was, indeed, a pub crawl.

Yes, I even had wristbands.
This challenge was pondered for quite some time and eventually I decided to cleverly combine it with my current fundraising efforts for my Great Gorilla Run on the 22nd of September (The Gorilla Organisation). I figured that if I wanted to raise money for charity AND complete another challenge then I would ask people to donate money to come on the pub crawl. Genius right?

Trying to guilt pubs and clubs into giving me deals, to sweeten guests' participation in this event, was no easy task. I was politely turned down at every turn. Some didn't even bother to reply (why won't they PLEASE think of the gorillas?!). Only one place offered me any kind of support, B@1 in Clapham Common.

Bag, necklaces and dress for £7 
I thought about my theme and settled on 'recycled' (Op Shop bought or borrowed). I didn't want to have a bunch of oddly dressed characters, as I reasoned that this could put off pub and club owners. And I know that sinking feeling that everyone gets when they realise they have to find a costume for a party. Another hassle and expense. 

And so the day arrived. I had my ridiculous bridesmaid style op shop dress, my fabulous friend fresh from Manchester and the promise of raising money for my gorillas. (Well, not MY gorillas...)

Spot the error
Surprise tables!
At this point, the aforementioned definition of a pub crawl must be referenced. In total, I had 6 amazing friends participate in my pub crawl. Not the most mind blowing turn up of all time, by any stretch of anyone's Mr Fantastic imagination. 

That fact did not stop us having an incredible night. We were very well looked after at B@1, and unexpectedly had table set aside for us in Exhibit. Many cocktails were consumed, a bit of money was raised for gorillas and everyone had a smile on their face. 

And so, another challenge can be ticked off the list. The second hand dress will be hung up  and most likely forgotten, the donations will be passed on to my dear gorillas (well, not into their bank accounts or anything like that...), and I will steadfastly abide to my new resolution to just stick with participating in pub crawls. 

Although, it was pretty cool to have my name written on signs in pubs... Just saying.